Bamco’s Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Flooring

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Good businesses care for the environment, the world, the employees and focus on their philosophies in whatever they do. Here’s one! Sustainable and eco-friendly flooring. I like that it also emits warmth coz I cannot tolerate tiles that are too cold to my feet. This is also fire-resistant, scratch resistant, is non-toxic, chemical-resistant and water-resistant.
We are impressed with our client first-in-the-world invention. Watch this video and you will know. Bamco’s sustainable and durable flooring not only cares for the end-users, most important it is eco-friendly. The biggest plus points compared to various other floorings are that it is non-toxic, fire-resistant, scratch-resistant, chemical-resistant and slip-resistant! It can be re-used when you decide to change your flooring, move house, use it in other rooms and recyclable as well! Contact us for a media briefing session. Email
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